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Interview with Debut Author Kira Bigwood

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Kira Bigwood to celebrate the release of her debut picture book, SECRET SECRET AGENT GUY, illustrated by Celia Krampien. I’m so excited about this book, which just released with Atheneum Books for Young Readers this week! Being a secret agent was always at the top of my list when I was a kid— let’s be honest should this whole book thing not work out I would totally become a secret agent (nevermind the fact that I zero skills for that). Needless to say, I’m thrilled share this book with all of you…

…so without further ado, please welcome Kira Bigwood!

Where do you live?

Just north of Chicago in idyllic Evanston, IL, home to THREE stellar independent bookstores. Shout-out to Booked, Bookends & Beginnings and Page 1!

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I’ve been a writer and a book lover all my life (a librarian mom will ensure that!), but I didn’t think about combining the two until my children came along (really original, right? 😆). It was seeing their reactions to different books…chatting with characters on a page, snort-laughing until they cried, asking really insightful questions…that got me thinking, “How can I do that?”

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

For me, it started in a class with Esther Hershenhorn at the Newberry here in Chicago, where I had my eyes opened wide. From there, I joined a critique group, SCBWI and the 12x12 Challenge. Then, after 6 years of reading, writing, revising, critiquing and submitting, I finally got my big break…acceptance into the RUCCL One-on-One Conference. I met Editor Alex Borbolla at the group lunch that day, where I was testing a theory, doing everything opposite of what I would normally do. So instead of retreating into my bagel and cream cheese (like any good introvert), I chatted up Alex about my spy story, and discovered…she loved spy stories! When I submitted to her afterwards, she said she was “charmed” by my manuscript, and the next thing I knew, I was signing a book deal. I couldn’t believe it (but Opposite Me could)!

Can you share a bit about your process?

Because of my background in advertising, I usually like to start with some concepting. I’ll pick a topic that interests my kids, like narwhals, or butts, or narwhal butts. Then I’ll do some brainstorming around my topic…word mapping, word association kind of stuff. Hopefully that shows me how to twist my idea and turn it into something completely unique. Once I have my concept good and tight, I’ll start the writing, editing and revising process, checking in often with my critique partners, and then towards the end with my agent. I’ve found it’s easier to revise projects that have a solid concept at the core.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I’m a big believer in “filling the well.” Watching movies with the hubs, reading outside my genre, enjoying a glass of wine, hiking and biking, strolling museums, rocking (or mellowing) out to some tunes, playing with my kids, definitely not playing with my kids, hanging with friends, enjoying another glass of wine…heck, even literally filling a well might “fill the well!”

Anything you can’t live without while you write/draw?

Background music. I tend to listen to instrumentals that match the theme of whatever story I’m working on. So, for SECRET, SECRET AGENT GUY, it was a lot of Henry Mancini! Also, caffeine (again, really original, right? 😆).

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

James Marshall, if we’re throwing back. I love his brand of smart-funny. George & Martha had me hooked from the beginning. Currently, can’t get enough of Ame Dyckman and Lucy Ruth Cummins (also smart-funnies), and find myself saying, “I wish I had written that,” after I read EVERY SINGLE ONE of their books. 

Dream project to work on?

Oh gosh, to publish more books! Even just one more would be a dream! Especially one where I could partner with Illustrator Celia Krampien again! Wait until you see her visual storytelling for SECRET, SECRET AGENT GUY. Smart, funny (what can I say? I have a type), creative, a little vintage-y, and don’t even get me started on her color palette. She is downright masterful, and I would consider myself lucky to be able to collaborate with her on another project one day.

Tell us about your debut book.

It’s a spy twist on the classic, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to join Secret, Secret Agent Guy on his bedtime assignment, code name: Operation Lollipop. Equipped with night-vision goggles, a jetpack, and grappling hook, he is prepared for every eventuality...or is he? Will this 007-year-old complete his covert quest, or will he be outsmarted by an adversary he never saw coming?

Interior art from SECRE SECRET AGENT GUY written by Kira Bigwood, Illustrated by Celia Kramien

What’s up next for you?

I’m touching up some manuscripts for my agent right now, including some non-fiction science. Maybe one of them will be my next book!

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

We’ll go with the Rule of Threes on this one…Goonies, The Great Outdoors, and of course, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (“Save the neck for me, Clark!”).

Huge thank you to Kira for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut! We can’t wait to see what you come out with next.

KIRA BIGWOOD writes children’s books, TV commercials, and much to her 10-year-old’s dismay, notes for her kids’ lunchboxes. She was once edited out of a My Little Pony ad because she was missing her two front teeth (not that she’s still hanging on to that or anything). Luckily, she has all her teeth now, and a much more positive attitude toward the editing process. Kira is a graduate of the University of North Carolina (go Heels!), and lives in Chicago with her husband and three children. Secret, Secret Agent Guy is her debut picture book.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Kira or her book, visit her website, or follow her on social media:

IG: @kirabigwood

Twitter: @KBigwood

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of SECRET SECRET AGENT GUY click here.

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