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Interview with Author Erin Dealey

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with the immensely talented author Erin Dealey! She’s here today to chat about her newest book, THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK, illustrated by Germán Blanco, publishing with Genius Cat Books this week! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her new book, experience in publishing, and creative process.

So without further ado, please welcome Erin Dealey!

Where do you live?

I live in northern California, halfway between Sacramento and South Lake Tahoe. And yes, we’ve had quite a bit of snow & rain recently but we’re not complaining!

How many years have you been in publishing?

My first book, GOLDIE LOCKS HAS CHICKEN POX, came out when our daughter was in second grade, and now she is a second grade teacher!

How did you first get published?

My path to publication is a slush pile success story. As a high school theater teacher, I wrote skits and plays for my students as well as elementary classes to perform. My first published play was "The Christmas Wrap Rap" in Plays magazine. One day I picked up a YA  novel left behind by one of my drama students and thought, I could do this.  I always told my students to follow their dreams, so I took my own advice. 

I started writing a YA and swapping pages with a fellow teacher, author Anne Martin Bowler. But Annie was having me read a picture book pages while I gave her chapters. This is when Goldie Locks Has Chicken Pox popped into my head. To my surprise it was like writing a skit or play, a story to be performed (or read) aloud and keep "audiences" coming back for more. 

When Goldie was done, I queried two publishers and received a rejection slip right away from one of them. The other editor asked me to send the full manuscript, which I did. During the summer, I run the Theater Department at Sugarloaf Fine Arts Camp, so I truly lost track of how much time had passed. In September, I got a call from a Senior Editor at Atheneum/Simon & Schuster, who eventually offered me a contract. I am forever grateful to Caitlyn Dlouhy for changing my life. (I am proud to say one of my recent books, PETER EASTER FROG, illus. but G.Brian Karas, is a Caitlyn Dlouhy Book/ Atheneum/ Simon & Schuster. We have come full circle!)

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

Yes, now I do—and I am so very grateful!

What inspires you to create picture books?  It feels like all the paths of my crazy life converged when I started writing children’s books. In my opinion, everyone needs to find a way to keep creativity in their lives. I’m so very lucky to have found the world of #kidlit.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I get to play with words, and sometimes they become books; and sometimes those books make children happy; and sometimes I get to meet kids at school visits and on zooms; and sometimes I get to tell them I never thought I would be an author someday; and sometimes there’s a kid who feels the same way.  

What do you find difficult working as an author? Waiting, waiting, WAITING. I get that it’s part of the process, but I was that kid who would turn in an assignment and instantly want to know: “What’d I get?” So this is definitely the hard part. The key is to know you’ve sent the best version of your story (so far), and then trust. Remember that editors, agents, critique partners, Beta readers ALL have busy lives. We’re not the only kids in the family who want attention. Focus on how very lucky we are to be doing this crazy #kidlit thing to begin with. And go write something else while you’re waiting.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?  I have an idea notebook where I write these down, and I try to play with every idea that shows up. Even the craziest ones. I firmly believe that the more you honor those ideas, more will come to you. 

Can you tell us about your newest book? Thanks for asking! THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK (Genius Cat Books, illustrated by Germán Blanco) will release on April 25th! I can’t wait for everyone to meet the half-Birthday buddies, Big, Best, Blinger, and Bright. Let the celebrations begin! The Half Birthday Book is for everyone –any time of the year but especially kids with summer birthdays or birthdays on holidays, who don’t get to celebrate at school. And there are also those who share their birthdays with the BIG holidays…

What’s up next for you?

On July 15th look for CHRISTMAS AHOY! (Illus. Kayla Stark / Sleeping Bear), a counting book about a lighted holiday boat parade, with a different kind of boat on each spread, and possibly a missing Santa. (Oh no!) If that sounds like a very early release date for a holiday book, the goal is to get the buzz going so that bookstores will carry it for the holidays. I’ve seen the illustrations and they’re so much fun! 

After that, there’s a hasn’t-been-announced picture book coming in 2024 with Sleeping Bear, as well as more happy book news to come! 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Thanks so much for having me on your Critter Lit blog, Lindsay. 

Another key factor in navigating this crazy #kidlit world of ours is to find your community. Find ways to lift each other up. Share each other’s successes and the not-so-successful times too, and NEVER compare your path to someone else’s. There is no “right way.” Take the time to find your way. You’ve got this!

Huge thank you to Erin for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your newest book!

Erin Dealey's original career goal was Olympic Gold Medal tetherball player. When that didn't pan out, she became a teacher, theater director, actor, mom, screenwriter, and author of over a dozen children’s books (so far), including DEAR EARTH…From Your Friends in Room 5 (Harper Collins/ Illus. Luisa Uribe), and the upcoming HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK (Genius Cat / Illus. Germán Blanco) & CHRISTMAS AHOY! (Sleeping Bear/ Illus. Kayla Stark). She lives in northern California with her husband, and welcomes any opportunity to visit schools around the world. You can find her online at and on social media as @ErinDealey. (She will follow you back!) 

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Erin follow her on online:

You can find #BookBirthday interviews on Erin’s blog. As well as extensions for her books at  

Twitter @ErinDealey

Insta: erindealey

Pinterest Erin Dealey 

FB Erin Dealey

Find Erin’s Reading Song and Freebies at Dealey/Links 

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK, click here.

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