Critter Lit

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Kazuno Kohara

Halloween Book Picks | October 2018

Recommended Reading, Holiday BooksLindsay WardComment

Happy Halloween Critters! I know it’s a little early, and we still have the rest of October to go, but Halloween is big in our house. It’s my husband’s favorite holiday (I’m more of a Thanksgiving kinda gal…) but I do love a good Halloween story. So, this month, instead of two new book reviews, I’m sharing a round-up of Critter Lit’s Favorite Halloween Books.

I’m a huge fan of holiday books and now that I have kids, it’s so much fun share them throughout the month with my kiddos. Some of these books are new, some are old, all are wonderful! I hope you take the time to check them out. Enjoy!

What's up on deck? Tune in next week for an interview with debut author and illustrator Aidan Cassie!