Critter Lit

Write. Draw. Read. Repeat.

alphabet book

Interview with Author Carole Gerber

Authors, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward11 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! This week we are catching up with author Carole Gerber, who last stopped by CritterLit in December 2019. You can read Carole’s first interview with CritterLit here. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to chat about her writing process, inspiration, and newest picture book, P IS FOR PURR, illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius this past November.

So without further ado, please welcome back Carole Gerber!

It's great to have you back!

Thanks for interviewing me, Lindsay.

Can you tell us about your latest book, P IS FOR PURR?

I’ve been a writer for decades—I won’t reveal how many! Over the years, I’ve started and set aside many manuscripts. While doing an end-of-year review and clean out of my files, I came across a previous version of a manuscript that became P is for Purr. I can’t remember exactly why I filed this away. Most likely it was because alphabet manuscripts fall in and out of favor and it had not been accepted. I reread it, reworked some verses, and added brief back matter to “extend” the facts in each verse. I then sent it to Familius, which had published two of my previous manuscripts. The editors liked it and accepted it.

Interior art from P IS FOR PURR by Carole Gerber, Illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius

Interior art from P IS FOR PURR by Carole Gerber, Illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius

What inspired this story?

For 15+ years, my family had an amazing cat named Winston that we adopted from an animal shelter in Ohio. He was a scrawny little guy who grew into a large, fluffy and beautiful orange striped cat who was known throughout our old neighborhood. Winston was part Maine Coon and was a stealthy and amazing hunter. He didn’t eat his prey – just bit them and brought them home as a gift for our family. After he died, I kept his ashes on my desk for years. When we moved to South Carolina, I buried his ashes in my garden under the catmint plant that he loved. I found Simon through an organization here in South Carolina that finds and cares for strays, then puts them up for adoption. Simon was named by his “foster mother” who fed and housed him until I brought him home. Like Winston, he was scrawny. Now he is big and fluffy. I guess that means I’m a good “cat mom!”

Interior art from P IS FOR PURR by Carole Gerber, Illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius

Can you share a bit about your research process for this book?

I wanted to present factual information about cats in an interesting way that would appeal to three groups of readers: children, parents and teachers. Writing a two-line rhyming verse for each letter of the alphabet was a lot of fun. It was also challenging, especially for the letters X, Y and Z. (I did it, but you’ll have to read the book to see how! 😊)

You write about a wide range of topics. How do you decide what you want to write about?

I study the markets! Knowing what various publishers are looking for helps me target which manuscripts to send to various publishers. Also, as with P is for Purr, I rarely throw anything away. When I am out of new ideas, I go through my “oldies” folders and try to find something I’ve written about a topic that is currently in demand. 

Then I read it as critically as I believe an editor would, and rework it with fresh eyes. 

Do you write daily?

No, but I do check out what is being published and at least think about what I have on hand or might write that could be of interest. It generally takes two years after a manuscript is accepted before it’s published. That means editorial needs may have changed, so I try to keep up on this by reading what various publishers are seeking or currently publishing.

What does your writing process look like?

I’ve had years of experience writing for ad agencies, private companies, universities, and directly for publishers through work for hire contracts. Based on this, I try to psych out the market. Also, I look on Amazon to see what has already been published on a topic that interests me and that I think might interest a publisher.

Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction? What do you feel are the challenges of both?

I’ve written a lot of both, but find nonfiction more interesting and challenging than fiction. Because it’s based on facts, nonfiction provides a structure on which to base a picture book. Potentially, fiction provides more freedom for “flights of fancy” than nonfiction. But it must still make sense and appeal to readers.

What do you find inspiring right now?

It’s gratifying to see so many first-time picture book writers being published! I make a point of checking their books out of my local library if they are available. 

What do you find challenging with writing right now?

I’m no longer naïve and hopeful about the likelihood of my manuscripts being quickly accepted. Publishing has always been a notoriously slow business and the pandemic slowed it even further. 

Are you currently offering school visits?

No, the pandemic shut down school visits for so long that I am out of practice. However, although I haven’t sought school visits, I don’t rule out visiting the nearby school my kindergarten-age granddaughter attends or other local elementary schools in Mt. Pleasant, SC where I live. 

Any reading recommendations?

I always read CritterLit, of course! It introduces me to the work of many new and talented writers. I also never miss Kathy Carroll’s “Celebrate Picture Books” blog. Like CritterLit, she gets to the heart of each picture book she reviews, which motivates me to buy or check out the books she recommends. l also love Vivian Kirkfield's "Will Write for Cookies" column which features interviews with authors of  some lovely, new children's books.

What's up next for you?

I will have a new picture book out in 2024 from Familius titled A Tree for Me. It’s about a little boy who takes a walk in the woods with his father. The art is gorgeous!  It’s told in first person verse from the point of view of the child. 

Huge thank you to Carole for stopping by CritterLit today! Congrats on your new book! We can’t wait to see A Tree for Me in 2024!

Carole Gerber has written 18 picture books, three chapter books, and more than one hundred elementary science and reading texts for major publishers. Her picture book, A Band of Babies , was named a Best Book for Children by Amazon editors. She holds a BS in English education and an MA in journalism from Ohio State, and has taught middle school and high school English as well as college news writing and factual writing at OSU. She lives in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Learn more at

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Carole, visit her online at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of Carole’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of P IS FOR PURR?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, January 26th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Susanna Leonard Hill and Illustrator Betsy Snyder

Authors, book release, Interviews, Illustrators, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward15 Comments

Happy TUESDAY Critters! This week we have TWO awesome interviews with THREE amazing creators. Today, we are celebrating the release of ALPHABEDTIME, written by Susanna Leonard Hill, illustrated by my friend and critique partner Betsy Snyder, and published by Nancy Paulsen Books! I’m thrilled to have both of these fabulous ladies with me today on their book birthday!

I was lucky enough to see the art for this book come together so it’s an honor to be featuring this book and interview as a bonus post this week.

So without further ado, please welcome Susanna Leonard Hill and Betsy Snyder!

Author Susanna Leonard Hill

Illustrator Betsy Snyder

It’s lovely to have you both here on Critter Lit!

Susanna: Thank you so much for having me on your blog today, Lindsay!

 Betsy: It’s great to be here!

Where do you live?

Susanna: I live on Blueberry Hill in Unionvale, NY, a map dot so small it is like a well-kept secret

Betsy: Independence, Ohio

How many years have you been in publishing?

Susanna: My first book was published in November, 2002, so almost exactly twenty years.

Betsy: About 17 years.

How did you first get published?

Susanna: My daughter was starting kindergarten, and we had just moved to the area so she didn’t know anyone.  I asked the school for a couple names of nearby classmates so we could arrange a playdate.  The first person I called wasn’t home.  The second was Liza Voges and she brought her son over to play a few days later.  We talked while the kids played and I asked her if she was a SAHM or if she did something else.  She said she was a children’s literary agent.  I said, I write children’s books!  She asked to see my work, but it took me 6 months to get up the nerve to show her.  I was afraid she wouldn’t like it, and then things would be awkward at school get-togethers.  I could just imagine myself trying to use my power of invisibility to avoid the embarrassment of facing her at the kindergarten Halloween party. But when I finally did show her a handful of manuscripts, she was enthusiastic.  She became my agent, and she sold my first book to Simon & Schuster within the year. She has been my agent and friend for twenty years, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her!

Betsy: Publishing a children’s book was on my career bucket list since studying Illustration in college (Go Flyers!), but I knew I needed to get more illustration experience (and benefits!) first. Following graduation with a degree in Visual Communication Design, I worked as a staff designer at a small publisher and later as both a designer and illustrator at American Greetings. Around 2005, just when I decided it was time to get serious about getting published, serendipity struck. Brian Cleary, a coworker, who also happened to be an accomplished children’s book author, approached me about the possibility of illustrating his new manuscript Peanut Butter and Jellyfishes: A Very Silly Alphabet Book. He connected me with his publisher Lerner Books, I sent them my portfolio, and they offered me my first book contract! That opportunity and a referral from a friend led me to my agent Lori Nowicki at Painted Words, and that soon led me to a 3-book (and later 5-book) contract with Random House writing my own books.

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

Susanna: I write as full-time as I can manage, between teaching writing, school and library visits, and a lot of time spent on family commitments.

Betsy: The hours I dedicate to work vary depending on my project load and my family’s needs (I have a 5yo, 8yo and crazy 5mo puppy-monster). Right now, I’m more part-time, but I fit work in whenever I can (during school days, puppy naps and in the wee hours after everyone else is asleep). But my mind never stops thinking about book ideas (ask my family!).

What inspires you to create picture books?

Susanna: When you get right down to it, are there any books better than picture books?  I love the interplay of words and art. I love the age group for whom they are written, for whom all the world is new.  I have 5 children and 3 grandchildren (plus, technically, I was a child myself once upon a time in the last millennium) and that is a constant source of inspiration – the funny things they say and do, their wishes and fears, their wonder and curiosity, the milestones they pass, the things they sometimes misunderstand because they’re young and everything is new, the challenges they face, the feelings that seem bigger than they are sometimes – it all inspires ideas for picture books. And there is something wonderful about reading picture books with little ones who are just learning about the world.

Betsy: I love creating characters and stories that spark imaginations. Some of my favorite memories as a young child are of my family reading to me, and getting lost in the pictures (like Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey). It’s such a gift to be able to make books that families can snuggle up with and read together.

What surprised you the most working as an author or illustrator?

Susanna: I was most surprised by how many people are involved in the creation of a book.  When I was little, we didn’t have authors come visit our school.  I thought of them as wise old hermit men (or women) – picture Merlin – who lived in isolated places like mountaintops, or hobbit holes in the woods, and wrote amazing books that were perfect straight out of the starting gate.  I had no idea that they might have agents, or how much editors might help them improve their books before publication, or that there were separate art directors, or all the people involved with marketing and publicity.  A traditionally published book isn’t something you do completely on your own.  It really takes a village.

Betsy: When I entered publishing, I didn’t anticipate that I’d need to hone my public speaking skills for author events. I’m not a natural at being in the spotlight, so the idea of putting myself out there was intimidating at first, but I’ve grown to genuinely enjoy and embrace the more social side of being an author and connecting face to face with my audience.

What is your favorite thing about being an author, illustrator, or author/illustrator?

Susanna: If I can have a part in helping to entertain, educate, delight, inspire, comfort, reassure, or engage young readers in a way that brightens their day and invites them to love books and reading, I feel like that is the most fulfilling work I can do.  And although it’s hard and requires effort, it doesn’t feel like work the way some things do because it is also such a pleasure. Is there a better job than getting to make up stories all day long?

Betsy: Definitely meeting my readers and sharing my books with others. Holding my published book in my hands for the first time is pretty special too.

What do you find difficult working as an author, or illustrator?

Susanna: For me, the difficult part of working as an author are all the extras.  If I could only write, that would be great! But there are so many other things to do! Social media and maintaining an online presence. Arranging and doing school, library, festival, conference, and bookstore events.  Doing what you can to publicize your books.  Don’t get me wrong – it’s all important and I’m happy to do it.  But those are not things I’m particularly comfortable with.  I would rather talk up someone else’s books than my own.  Twenty years in, I still get nervous any time I have to speak in public.  And anything I know about marketing/publicity I’ve learned as I go, and I know I could be a lot better at it. 

Betsy: Imposter Syndrome is no joke and self doubt can be paralyzing. When I find myself feeling stuck in a rut with a project and negativity creeps in, it has helped me to have a network of creative friends to reach out to, and in turn, to offer my support when they need it. This creative collaborating always fills my cup and gives me the confidence boost I need to get back at it.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Susanna: One of my favorite things to do is write or type out someone else’s book – a book I love.  There’s something about writing or typing it that helps get my creative wheels turning and gets me in the right mindset.  If I haven’t written for a few days, or if ideas are slow to come, this can often be a way to get things rolling.

Betsy: I take a walk, play with words, think up catchy titles, get goofy with my kids, browse at the library or bookstore, start with a fun format, or dig up nuggets of ideas that I’ve set aside.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Susanna: I always write my first drafts longhand – pen on paper. I just think better that way.

Betsy: I’m pretty prolific at collecting my ideas. I’m always typing notes into my phone—during showers, road trips, etc.—and emailing them to myself to tuck away into folders for revisiting later.

Also, at the beginning of every project, I do a brain dump to empty the clutter in my head and get to the good stuff. My problem is always TOO many ideas vs. a lack of ideas.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Susanna: I’m not sure I can point to one single instance, but I find the Kid Lit community in general to be wonderfully friendly and supportive – a group of genuinely lovely people I’m deeply glad to be a part of.

Betsy: Having my artwork from Tons of Trucks (by Sue Fliess) accepted into the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show and attending the opening in NYC was an experience I’ll always remember. It was such an honor to be in the company of so much talent in one room.

Recommended reading?

Susanna: Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul, The Nuts & Bolts Guide to Writing Picture Books, by Linda Ashman, The Writer’s Guide to Crafting Stories for Children, by Nancy Lamb, picture books, picture books, and more picture books.

Betsy: Some of our family favorites are Swashby and the Sea (Beth Ferry and Juana Martinez-Neal), Bob, Not Bob! (Liz Garton Scanlon, Audrey Vernick, Matthew Cordell), The Wolf, the Duck, and the Mouse (by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen), We Don’t Eat Our Classmates (by Ryan T. Higgins), and Sophie’s Squash (by Pat Zietlow Miller and Anne Wilsdorf)…and there are SO many more.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Susanna: The highlight of my career thus far has been when kids light up when they recognize one of my books and tell me they have it, or they’ve read it, and they love it.  A close second is when I get emails, sometimes including photos or videos, from parents or grandparents telling me one of my books is their little one’s favorite and gets read every night, or drawings or thank you notes from kids.  Also, becoming a New York Times Bestseller was pretty amazing and not something I ever thought would be on my resume! That was an honor I never expected.

Betsy: It’s a 3-way tie between landing my first contract to both write and illustrate my own books with Random House (beginning with Haiku Baby), having my work accepted into the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show, and publishing a 4-book novelty series with Chronicle Books (I Can Dance, I Can Play, I Can Dream, I Can Explore).

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

Susanna: Writing can be isolating, even for introverts who are pretty happy on their own, and it was hard in the beginning not having anyone to talk to who understood the writing life. So, I wish someone had told me when I first started that the internet was coming, and that communication, critique partners, support, the opportunity to further my writing education through webinars and online classes, and most importantly friendship with other writers was about to become so much more possible.  The internet is a double-edged sword, but it’s worth it for the connection to other writers. I have met so many wonderful people online, and it is a joy when I get to meet them in person at conferences.

Betsy: Just because it feels hard doesn’t mean you aren’t good at it or that you aren’t meant to do it. Making a book is hard work every time, even for experienced authors and illustrators. Every book presents a new challenge to solve that is difficult in its own way and needs its own unique solution. There is no road map, and sometimes you have to go down many paths, and even backtrack, to find the right one. This process is not easy for anyone, but when you see it through to the other side, it’s so worth it.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Susanna: My newest book is ALPHABEDTIME, illustrated by the amazingly talented Betsy Snyder, and published by Nancy Paulsen Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House.  In case you couldn’t tell from the title, it’s a book about putting the alphabet to bed ☺ It is written in rhyme, and is (I hope!) lively and fun, while also being an opportunity for young readers to practice the alphabet and feel the safety and security of being part of a large, rambunctious, and happy family. I am proud of the text, but Betsy’s art really takes it to the next level.  She put so much thought and care into creating it.  It is clever, bright, and energetic, and filled with details that make looking at the pictures so much fun! Every single character has multiple things associated with it which begin with his or her letter.  B alone has at least 8!  The dog and the cat appear on every page and are fun to look for.  And after M appears, there are bunnies to find, too. I feel so lucky that Betsy was the one to illustrate this book.  She really brought it to life in the best possible way!

Betsy: Here’s a sneak peek…

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: The book begins with all the letters plus Mom and Dad at the dinner table (but none of the letters are revealed yet). 

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: From here, Alpha Mom announces “TIME FOR BED!” and we meet each of the letters in order and follow them through the book as they scramble and ready for bed.

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: But even once the alphababies are rounded up and put to bed, there are surprises. Can you guess what happens next?!

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: Fi-nally, the alpha babies are all tucked in again—almost. (This is the part where you have to read the book to find out how it ends!)

What inspired this story/art?

Susanna: This book wasn’t exactly inspired.  I was having a hard time thinking up something to write about one cold winter morning – you know the feeling, where you stare at the wall and consider that doing your taxes would be more fun than facing that blank page – and I just decided to write an alphabet book.  Of course, there are many very good ones out there already, so I had to think of something that hadn’t been done yet.  It took me a fair amount of playing around, experimenting with bad (some very bad ☺) ideas before, in an effort to just feel like I was writing something, anything,  I wrote alphabet alphabet alphabet across my page.  When I read it out loud to myself, it started to sound like “alphabed”, and that made me think of bedtime, and suddenly, EUREKA! I thought, ALPHABEDTIME!  I’ll write a book about putting the alphabet to bed.

Betsy: I’m lucky that I had an already-amazing manuscript to inspire my art (since all Susanna had was a blank page!). It was love at first read for me. My inspiration was part what Susanna put into her writing—the skillful rhyme, bouncy cadence and playful pacing—and part what she left out. The manuscript had an openness that allowed me the freedom to explore a strong visual narrative and weave in fun alphabet references along the way. 

In terms of the characters (26 kids, 2 parents, and 11 pets—PHEW!), I wanted the entire alpha family to be colorful, diverse and quirky with lots of personality and alphabet details. My own kids loved playing “art director” and offering up their ideas and opinions along the way, and my real art director Marikka Tamura with designer Cindy De La Cruz helped me wrangle all those kiddos onto the pages in the very best way.

What’s up next for you?

Susanna: I have a couple other books coming out in December – WHAT LITTLE GIRLS ARE MADE OF and WHAT LITTLE BOYS ARE MADE OF – and one coming out next summer – YOU’RE THE STAR IN MY SKY – all for Sourcebooks. And I’m in the middle of contest season on my blog, where I run the Halloweensie, Holiday, and Valentiny Contests for Children’s Writers.

Betsy: More books! I’m about to jump back to working on some new ideas that I am pretty excited about.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Susanna: Try to love what you do.  Try not to get caught up in what’s trendy, or what you think will sell.  Write for yourself.  Write what you love.  If you feel passionate about what you’re writing, that will come through in your work and make it shine. And whether you sell it or not, you will have written something that’s meaningful to you.  It might be something that really doesn’t turn out well but that you learn a lot from writing. Whether it’s good or not so good, every manuscript you write makes you a better writer.

Betsy: There is no one roadmap to get published—every artist’s journey is unique. Seek opportunities, like stepping stones, that get you closer to your goals. Looking forward, you cannot always see how one thing will lead to another, but it inevitably will.

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

Susanna: That’s like asking who your favorite child is!  It’s impossible to pick just one!  But, if I had to pick just one, (er, per age group) I guess I’d say, for picture books, Frances, from Russell Hoban’s series, for middle grade Anne of Green Gables, and for YA, Karou from The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy.  (That was practically only one!)

Betsy: Lola from the Charlie and Lola book series by Lauren Child.

Huge thank you to you both for stopping by Critter Lit today! Happy Book Birthday to ALPHABEDTIME!

Susanna L. Hill ( is the author of three New York Times bestsellers, including Moon's First Friends: One Giant Leap for Friendship, and the award-winning author of over twenty-five more books for children, including Punxsutawney Phyllis, Can't Sleep Without Sheep, and the popular When Your Lion Needs a Bath series. Her books have been translated into French, Dutch, German, Japanese, Chinese, and Thai. She does frequent school and library visits, teaches picture book writing, and has a popular picture book blog. Susanna lives in New York's Mid-Hudson Valley where she practices the alphabet with her children and two rescue dogs.

Author-illustrator Betsy Snyder's smile-inducing art can be found on everything from social expressions products, board games, plush, decor, fabric, wallpaper, and of course—books! Since making her publishing debut, Betsy has illustrated and/or authored over twenty books. Betsy lives in northeast Ohio, where she enjoys cozying up to doodle with her art-loving family of four (plus one furball puppy), and venturing out to schools and libraries to encourage kids (and even grown-ups) to share their stories and chase their dreams. Learn more about Betsy and her books at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of ALPHABEDTIME, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of ALPHABEDTIME?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, November 3rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Debut Author Anna Lazowski

debut interview, Interviews, AuthorsLindsay Ward5 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Can you believe it’s July already?!! I’m so excited about today’s interview because our author’s debut picture book is one that I’ve been waiting to come out for some time. I love the hook, concept, art, and humor! This book has it all! I’m thrilled to have her with us today and can’t wait for you to hear all about her hilarious new picture book, T. REXES CAN’T TIE THEIR SHOES, illustrated by Steph Laberis.

So without further ado, please welcome Anna Lazowski!

Anna Lazowski Polaroid.jpg

Where do you live?

I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 

When did you know you wanted to write/illustrate picture books?

I think I always knew in the back of my mind I wanted to write, and I've always loved picture books. A well-executed picture book is such an incredible thing, they seem so deceptively simple to write but are actually anything but. They have to be entertaining, and be something kids and adults want to go back to. They have to communicate complex subject matter in simple, elegant ways. Some of my favourite books ever are picture books so I guess it makes sense I began my career as a writer trying to capture that magic. 

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

It's one of those fairytale stories that's actually hard to believe. I participated in a Twitter pitch contest, #PBPitch, in June 2019, with a pitch I'd used before with no success. But during that event it got one like. Just one. That like happened to come from Frances Gilbert, an editor at Doubleday. I sent the manuscript off to her and prepared for a long wait. Then an email came back from her an hour later offering to acquire T. REXES CAN'T TIE THEIR SHOES. For me it was a combination of luck, timing, and having a strong enough concept to catch her attention as she scrolled through the feed.   

Can you share a bit about your process?

My process is pretty simple, I get an idea - often for a title or concept and things unfold from there. If I'm writing NF, I lean on my background in journalism and do a pile of research before diving into the first draft. If I'm writing fiction I just sit down and start. Sometimes an entire arc will pop into my head and I just have to try to get it down without wrecking it!

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I have folders full of ideas, that's not the problem. For me there's sometimes a bit of paralysis when the manuscript is almost done but I have to do one final revision before I can consider it complete. Sometimes those drafts wait awhile for me to be inspired to come back and wrap them up. It feels like I have to wait for the right moment or I'll just be sitting there staring at the screen. 

Anything you can’t live without while you write/draw?

I'm so used to snatching bits of time here and there I can write pretty much anywhere at any time. It's a useful skill. 

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

So many!! I love the work The Fan Brothers do, and I love how Dev Petty's writing seems so effortless (which it obviously isn't). I have a background in fine arts and have been enjoying reading through a bunch of Amy Guglielmo's work and love what Elly MacKay does with her illustration. I also love reading unpublished work by up and coming writers when I do critique giveaways because I get to read something only a handful of people have seen. 

Dream project to work on?

That's an interesting question, I think the initial dream was just getting published. But I've always loved books that walk the line between light and darkness, so I'd like to find a way to explore those themes a bit in a way that works. I have a deep fondness for weird kids and strange situations so I'd love to delve into that a bit more. 

Tell us about your debut book.

My debut book, T. REXES CAN'T TIE THEIR SHOES, was expertly illustrated by Steph Laberis, and is an ABC book that looks at all the things kids can do that animals can't. The images show animals failing at things like riding a bicycle or flipping a pancake, but it turns all those negative experiences into a reminder that it's okay not to be good at something right away. Which I think is a useful message for kids and their parents. 

Interior art from T. REXES CAN’T TIE THEIR SHOES Shoes by Anna Lazowski, illustrated by Steph Laberis

Interior art from T. REXES CAN’T TIE THEIR SHOES Shoes by Anna Lazowski, illustrated by Steph Laberis

Interior art from T. REXES CAN’T TIE THEIR SHOES Shoes by Anna Lazowski, illustrated by Steph Laberis

Interior art from T. REXES CAN’T TIE THEIR SHOES Shoes by Anna Lazowski, illustrated by Steph Laberis

What’s up next for you?

I have a pile of stories that are submission or close to submission ready so I'll be pecking away at those over the summer. And my second picture book, DARK CLOUD, was acquired by Kids Can Press and is scheduled for a Spring 2023 release. The illustrator hasn't been announced yet but I am already so excited for that book to be out in the world too!!!

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

This is the hardest question actually. I rewatched a bunch of John Hughes movies recently and was disappointed to see they really hadn't aged well. So today, I'm going to go with a tie between two that actually capture my personality pretty well: Labyrinth and Lost Boys. And can I give Pretty In Pink an honorable mention just for Jon Cryer's character Duckie? So good!

Huge thank you to Anna for stopping by Critter Lit today! We are so excited for your debut and can’t wait to see DARK CLOUD when it releases in 2023!

ANNA LAZOWSKI wrote her first picture book for a class assignment in the sixth grade and has been creating stories ever since. Now an award-winning radio producer, Anna has an MA (Journalism) from the University of Western Ontario and a BFA (Hons.) from the University of Manitoba. Anna’s debut picture book, T. REXES CAN’T TIE THEIR SHOES (Doubleday Books for Young Readers), illustrated by Steph Laberis, is launching in spring of 2021. Her second book, DARK CLOUD, (Kids Can Press) will be published in spring of 2023. Her journalistic work has been published in various newspapers and magazines, and she has been a nationally syndicated radio columnist covering music and health. She lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba with her husband Mike, their kids, and their dog Jackson.

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