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Interview with Author Glenys Nellist

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Here at Critter Lit our goal is to share interviews with authors and illustrators representative of all picture book genres in publishing. Today’s interview is with an author who has published over 20 books in the Christian market in just six years! Originally this interview was supposed to run back in February when today’s author released her newest book, but we rescheduled to June. Her latest book is titled, LITTLE MOLE FINDS HOPE, illustrated by Sally Garland, and I can’t think of a more fitting title with everything that is going on in the world right now.

I’m thrilled to share her work with you today so without further ado, please welcome picture book author Glenys Nellist!

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Where do you live?

I was born and raised in England, but for the past 20 years I've been living in Michigan, the Great Lakes State.

How many years have you been in publishing?

Six. My first book was published in 2014.

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How did you first get published?

In 2011 I attended a Writers' Conference, where I pitched my first book proposal and manuscript to an editor. I waited a whole year before the publisher offered me a contract, and then another two years before the book was published. But the wait was worth it, because that book turned into a series.

Do you write full-time?

Yes. In addition to writing children's books, I also offer editing services to aspiring children's authors.

What inspires you to create picture books?

As a former elementary school teacher, I have always loved picture books and their ability to transport readers, of any age, to another time and place. 

What surprised you the most working as an author?

As an author, I'm constantly surprised by, and enthralled with, the creative process and where it takes me. So often, I find myself reading something I've written and being amazed at where the words came from.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

My favorite thing has to be holding one of my books in my hands for the first time. It's like examining your brand-new baby from head to toe and marveling at every precious, minute detail.

What do you find difficult working as an author?

For me, edits are always hard. It's not easy to change or erase words you worked hard to create! But I have learned to trust my editors, and now it helps me to view editing as the haircut you never wanted. You don't like it at first, but after a week or so, you realize how much you needed it, and how much better it makes you look and feel.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

When I get stuck in a rut, I try to go for a long walk! I love the great outdoors and find creative energy there.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

As a Christian writer, it's my habit to pause and pray before beginning any new project, or when I'm stuck in the middle of one.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I have found that authors in the Kidlit community really support each other and cheer each other on. I have the privilege of meeting a few times a year with three other Beaming Books authors and I love the creative energy and support that ensues from our conversations.To share publishing joys and frustrations with like-minded colleagues is a truly wonderful thing.

Recommended reading?

Anything by the wonderful Sally Lloyd-Jones, who writes for both the secular and Christian markets. She has a great sense of humor that shines through her writing. Her Jesus Storybook Bible is what inspired me to write. Also, I would recommend anything by the indomitable Roald Dahl. His work is not always politically correct, but as a Brit my family were raised reading his hilarious and fabulously penned tales, such as Fantastic Mr Fox, George's Marvelous Medicine and The Twits; along with perennial favorites like The BFG, The Witches and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

The highlight of my career has to be publishing twenty books in the space of six years. That is incredible to me.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

I wish I had known how wonderful a launch team is! It seems ridiculous, but this is something I only recently discovered. Even though my newest book, Little Mole Finds Hope, is my 20th published title, it was only for this book that I assembled my first, official launch team. For my previous titles, I always had the help of influencers, endorsers and bloggers, but assembling an official 'team' where members have expectations, and where they all work together to create momentum around release day really did help to launch the book. I'll never publish another book without the help of a launch team!

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Little Mole Finds Hope, published by Beaming Books, tells the story of a little mole who is feeling sad in his dark, underground home. Mama takes him on a journey to find hope and together, they find it, even when it’s hiding in the darkest place. This new picture book, written for children 3-6, has a spring theme and includes tips for parents to help a child who is feeling sad.

Interior spread from LITTLE MOLE FINDS HOPE, written by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Sally Garland

Interior spread from LITTLE MOLE FINDS HOPE, written by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Sally Garland

What’s up next for you?

I'm looking forward to the next book in this series, which has a kindness/Christmas theme. Little Mole's Little Gift will be published in October this year, and in 2021 I'll have three new books published with Zonderkidz, so that's exciting!

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

When I was writing my first book (Love Letters from God) I became discouraged and gave up half-way though. I put the manuscript on the shelf, where it sat for over a year. If it hadn't been for my husband, who encouraged me, I would never have picked it up and finished it. And without that first book, I would never have written twenty more. I often think about all those half-written manuscripts, lying on dusty shelves in hope-robbed rooms. So, my advice to all aspiring authors would be.. don't give up!

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

My four children were all born in the 1980’s! When they were a little older, we had fun watching Ghostbusters, ET, and Back to the Future, with Marty McFly and Doc Brown!

Thank you Glenys for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congratulations on all your publishing success!

GLENYS NELLIST  is the author of multiple children's books, including the bestselling 'Twas the Evening of Christmas  and the popular series Love Letters from God  and Snuggle Time. Her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Glenys, visit her online at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of any of Glenys Nellist’s books, click here.

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