Critter Lit

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Interview with Author Jocelyn Rish

Authors, InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Jocelyn Rish to celebrate the release of her newest book, BATTLE OF THE BRAINS: THE SCIENCE BEHIND ANIMAL MINDS, illustrated by David Creighton-Pester, published by Running Press Kids, which just came out this week! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to chat about her road to publication, writing process, and new book.

So without further ado, please welcome Jocelyn Rish!

Where do you live?

I’m a southern gal, living outside of Charleston, SC.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I started writing seriously about fifteen years ago, but I didn’t get an agent and book deal until four years ago. 

How did you first get published?

My first time getting published was actually a short story called Saying Goodbye that won the South Carolina Fiction Project in 2008 and was published in Charleston’s newspaper. I later won a grant to turn it into a short film (

My first published book was BATTLE OF THE BUTTS, and it was a pretty typical publishing path. Once I wrote and revised it, I queried a bunch of agents and then refreshed my email every thirty seconds while I inhaled chocolate. I happy danced around the house when I got several offers. After signing with Tracy Marchini, we went on sub, and then I legit cried with joy when Running Press Kids acquired it. Even though the journey for BUTTS specifically was pretty short, I’d been trying to get a book published for a long time, so I was thrilled my dream was finally coming true.

Do you write full-time?

Yes, if hours of procrastination counts as writing full time!

What inspires you to create picture books?

I always thought of myself as a YA writer, and it’s what I wrote for years. But then I started tutoring with Reading Partners, which helps elementary students who struggle with reading. I loved seeing how spellbound the kids were by the picture books we read together, and it made me want to be part of creating that magic. Now my conversations with them spark story ideas and topics to investigate. 

What surprised you the most working as an author?

You always hear that publishing is slow, but I was still surprised by just how slow it is. It took two and a half years after BUTTS was bought for it to be published. I wasn’t even allowed to make a public announcement about it until almost a year after it was acquired! Having to hold in the fact that my publishing dream had finally come true for that long almost made me explode!

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I get a goofy grin on my face every time I hear kids giggling as they read or listen to BUTTS. And it’s so gratifying when they quote fanny facts because not only did I entertain them, I taught them something, too!

What do you find difficult working as an author?

As a life-long control freak, I really struggle with how much of publishing my books is out of my control. It’s a very subjective industry, so even if I write a book that’s strong on craft, that doesn’t mean any editors will want to buy it. If they do buy it, most decisions about it are out of my hands. Then publicity and marketing are a crap shoot in today’s market, and there is very little an author can do herself to move the needle on sales. So I can write the best book I’m able to write, but then after that it’s pretty much out of my control, and that’s hard and scary for me.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I’ve subscribed to several science newsletters, like National Geographic and The Scientist. Reading studies and discoveries about animals gives me so many ideas for books, both nonfiction and fiction.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Does scrolling Twitter count? That may seem like a flip answer, but BUTTS was inspired by a meme about farting manatees I saw on Twitter late one night. And another project I’m working on was inspired by something I saw on science Twitter. Plus, reading tweets from fellow writers motivates me and encourages me to put my booty in my writing chair. 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I’ve had so many wonderful experiences in the Kid Lit community – it’s a generous and supportive network. But my favorite experience was creating a FB group called Transmedia Mutts ( I started it to help people with their Twitter pitching, and I worried no one would join, but the pack has grown and grown over the years. And while we still help each other with pitching, it’s a lovely community that gives advice and encourages each other.

Recommended reading?

I’m in two different picture book groups, and all the books written by the members are wonderful. I’d highly recommend any of the books from The Picture Book Scribblers ( and 21 for the Books (

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

The day two big boxes from Hachette showed up on my porch last year was amazing. I seriously started shrieking and tearing up and could barely calm down enough to bring them inside. Then cutting the box open and seeing my books in the flesh? Pulling one out and feeling the weight of its reality? Flipping through the delightful pages of animal butts? Literally holding years worth of dreams and effort in my hands? It was so incredible! 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

I wish someone had told me that I could approach nonfiction with the wonder of kids learning facts rather than a dry academic voice. I heard early on that publishers were hungry for nonfiction, so I took a few tentative stabs at it. But the NF I read as a kid was dry and teachy, so that’s how I wrote it, and of course failed spectacularly, Therefore, I didn’t NF was an option for me and didn’t try again for years. But once I realized I could write it with a “wow, isn’t this cool?” voice and humor, I finally found my niche. Took me long enough!   

Can you tell us about your newest book?

BATTLE OF THE BRAINS is about ten animals that do some pretty incredible things with their minds. It follows the same rating and judging format as BATTLE OF THE BUTTS, but this time it’s focused on the front end rather than the back end. I selected animals that each exhibit a different type of cognitive skill (from the talking of African Gray Parrots, to the memories of elephants, to the total weirdness of octopus brains) in order to show that intelligence comes in many different forms. I learned so much as I researched and wrote, and I hope kids enjoy learning about these clever critters, too. 

Interior art from BATTLE OF THE BRAINS written by Jocelyn Rish, Illustrated by David Creighton-Pester, published by Running Press Kids

What’s up next for you?

I have a secret NF project I’ve been dabbling with on and off, but I’d also like to try getting a fiction PB published. My first love is scary stories, so I’ve been sketching out a PB about something creepy in the attic. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I always tell writers to experiment! Try different genres and formats and age groups. I really wanted to be a YA novelist, but all my successes have come from branching out and trying new things (short stories, screenwriting, NF PBs). So go play around with your words! 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

This is too hard! There are so many totally tubular movies from the 80s! But the one I’ve watched the most and can quote for almost any occasion is The Princess Bride.

Thanks for having me on Critter Lit!

Huge thank you to Jocelyn for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your new book!

JOCELYN RISH is a writer and filmmaker who loves researching weird and wonderful animals and sharing what she learns. Her first book was BATTLE OF THE BUTTS, about ten animals that do weird things with their butts. Her second book, BATTLE OF THE BRAINS, is about ten animals with mind-blowing brain abilities. When she’s not writing, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her dog.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Jocelyn Rish, visit her online or follow her on social media:




BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Jocelyn Rish’s books, click here.

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Interview with Author Troy Wilson

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have a fantastic interview with author Troy Wilson. I’m thrilled to share his work with all of you as I’m a huge fan of fractured fairy tales and retellings. His newest book, GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR, illustrated by Edwardian Taylor, just came out this month with Running Kids Press.

So without further ado, please welcome Troy Wilson!

Troy photo1 (1).JPG

Where do you live?

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. As the crow (or plane) flies, it's about 75 miles from Seattle.

How many years have you been in publishing?

My first picture book came out in 2004. So, by that measure, I've been in publishing for 17 years (though I did get paid for some opinion pieces starting in 2001).

How did you first get published?

I had dreamt of being either a writer or cartoonist since about second grade, but I never put in the hard work necessary to make that dream a reality. Then in October of 2000, at the ripe old age of 30, I finally buckled down and started putting my nose to the writing grindstone. Since I was starting at ground zero and was in a hurry, I focused entirely on short pieces. And in a year's time, I had gotten an opinion piece published in a local alternative weekly, won third place in a local Postcard Fiction competition, and signed the contract for my first picture book (titled Perfect Man). 

I had certainly received all kinds of rejections for all kinds of work during that initial year, and would go on to receive countless more. But as for Perfect Man in particular? Never received a single rejection for it. I sent Perfect Man to exactly two publishers: Orca Books and a small start-up that I no longer remember the name of (I don't think they're around anymore). Orca said yes, and I jumped at their offer, withdrawing it from the other publisher. I had no agent and no contacts at Orca. Just a decent manuscript and a whole lot of luck. 

I wrote all kinds of short material initially. Opinion pieces, book reviews, news stories, human resource reports for government. But over the years, my interest in the other stuff has diminished, and only the kids’ stuff has remained. 

Do you write full-time?

Nope. I might do it full-time at some point, but right now I'm also working part-time as a stock clerk at a local supplement store. Picture books aren't super-lucrative, and neither are books in general. Sure, substantial payments can roll in sometimes, but it's very much feast or famine. I'm happy that my day job is an active one, to offset the sedentary nature of writing. Plus, my co-workers are top-notch.

What inspires you to create picture books?

Other creators' amazing picture books inspire me to create picture books.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

Everyone talks about how hard it is to break in, and it certainly can be. But for me, staying in was even harder. I thought that after my first picture book saw print, I'd have a picture book come out every year or two thereafter. Not so. My first picture book came out in 2004. My second picture book came out in 2005. My third picture book didn't come out until ... drumroll ... 2015! And believe me, that wasn't for lack of trying. I was writing and submitting the whole time, but to no avail. Rejection, rejection, and more rejection. Thankfully, I had a ton of fiction published in kids' magazines during the long book drought. Those published stories helped keep my spirits up, and the feedback from the magazine editors helped me continue to improve my craft. 

And here's the funny thing about that drought-breaking third book: it was a rhyming book - and rhyming books are notoriously hard to place. Anyway, things have been going great since then. I signed on with my agent Hilary McMahon just in time for her to negotiate the contract for my sixth picture book. This year, books 8 and 9 are being released. Even so, I know full well that another book drought could hit me at any time. Can't take anything for granted. Just have to keep keeping on.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

Creating picture books is my favorite thing about being an author. I love the collaboration with so many talented, dedicated, and insightful people. The artists, the editors, the designers, my agent, and everyone in between.

Inspiring, entertaining, and educating kids is great, too, of course. But for me, the creation part is super-duper-great.

What do you find difficult working as an author?

The waiting is the hardest part. Publishing moves at a glacial pace. You just have to accept that as a given.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I honestly haven't had a problem with rust or new ideas in a long time. But I certainly do have problems figuring out what to do with ideas once I have them. Sometimes when I'm having trouble writing the thing, I write *about* the thing instead. For instance, I knew I wanted to do a fractured version of Jack and the Beanstalk, but even with a specific angle that I won't yet reveal, there were still a million different ways that angle could go. So I refrained from jumping into a draft. Instead, I wrote about the various options in a thinking-out-loud kind of way. After a couple years of periodically jotting down Beanstalk thoughts while I did other things, a fully-formed Beanstalk manuscript sprang up practically overnight (well, more like over a few weeks - but still, it came together relatively quickly when I was finally ready for the draft stage). And just so I don't totally scare everyone away from this technique, I want to assure you that my writing-about-the-thing practice doesn't always – or even often – take two whole years (!) to break a log jam. This just happens to be the only example that comes to my mind right now.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I tend to work in silence. Not total silence, of course. The ambient sounds of the world always seep in. I just mean that I don't play any audio when I sit down at my computer to write. Same whenever I'm out walking alone. No podcasts, no music. It's just me, the ambient sounds, and whatever writing breakthroughs pop into my head. 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Goofing around with writer Ame Dyckman on Twitter is always a joy. She puts out lots of fun stuff, and genuinely seems to appreciate getting fun responses back. She has a generous, give-and-take, improv sensibility.

In general, I find Kid Lit Twitter to be invaluable. So much support and knowledge and humor. So much lovely artwork. So many great book recommendations. To be sure, Twitter has plenty of toxic zones, but Kid Lit Twitter is a rejuvenating oasis.

Recommended reading?

I recommend you read loads and loads of contemporary award winners and bestsellers (along, of course, with whatever happens to catch your eye and strike your fancy). But you don't need my help to find those. So instead I'm going to point out two under-appreciated gems:

Knot Cannot by Tiffany Stone and Mike Lowery

Glister by Andi Watson

And if you follow me on Twitter, you can check out my “Books I Enjoyed This Week” tweets. I just post the covers, with no further review or explanation, but people still seem to like them. And believe me, not everything I read makes the cut.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

This is hard to narrow down, so I'll pick two.

The first highlight was when Stan "The Man" Lee heaped praise upon my first book, a superhero tale called Perfect Man. I'd been eagerly devouring all sorts of comics, including Marvel Comics, from a very young age. So having Mr. Marvel himself applaud my and illustrator Dean Griffihs's work was quite a thrill.

The second involved the launch of a picture book titled The Sinking of Captain Otter. It was inspired by a little book I wrote and drew way back in Grade One called Captain Otter. Because of its origins, the publisher and I launched the book at the elementary school where I created the original. It was pretty amazing to come full-circle like that. I dedicated it to my first grade teacher and my six-year-old self.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Same answer as my biggest surprise. I wish someone had told me that staying in is as hard as getting in.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Goldibooks and the Wee Bear is published by Running Press Kids and illustrated by Edwardian Taylor. It is the second book/reading-themed fairy tale I've done with Running Press Kids. The first was Little Red Reading Hood and the Misread Wolf, illustrated by Ilaria Campana. You don't have to read one to make sense of the other. They do go great together, though.

Interior Art from GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR by Troy Wilson, Illustrated by Edwardian Taylor

Interior Art from GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR by Troy Wilson, Illustrated by Edwardian Taylor

Here's the Goldibooks summary:

"In this adorable reimagining of the beloved classic, Wee Bear is on the hunt for something new to read. As he sets off through the woods, he stumbles upon Goldibooks's house. While she and her parents are out for a walk, Wee Bear makes himself at home. But Mom's books are too hard (hardcovers) and Dad's are too soft (paperbacks). Thankfully, Goldibooks's book collection is juuuust right! With a pile of books in-hand, Wee Bear sits down to read. But Mom's chair is too hard, and Dad's chair is too soft. Thankfully, Goldibook's chair is juuuuust right!

Exhausted from hauling around so many books, Wee Bear tucks himself into bed. But Mom's bed is too hard, and Dad's bed is too soft. Thankfully, Goldibooks's bed is juuuust right! And that's where Goldibooks and her parents find him when they return home. As the story unfolds from there, readers are reminded that the best books are those we share with friends".

Interior Art from GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR by Troy Wilson, Illustrated by Edwardian Taylor

Interior Art from GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR by Troy Wilson, Illustrated by Edwardian Taylor

What’s up next for you?

My first picture book with Candlewick hits shelves in the fall. It's illustrated by Eve Coy, and it's different than anything I've done. More heart, and less humor. It'll be interesting to see how it's received.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

To be successful, you need at least these three things: persistence, luck, and talent. Of the three, persistence is by far the most important. Persistence gives you more chances to be lucky, and persistence gives you more chances to grow your talent. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

And bear in mind that the day before a big breakthrough usually feels exactly the same as any other day. You don’t know what is around the next corner. You don’t know how close you might be.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

I don't really have favorites. Not a favorite food or a favorite color or a favorite season or a favorite anything else. A Fish Called Wanda is pretty fun, though.

Huge thanks to Troy for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congratulations on all your fantastic books!

TROY WILSON is the author of nine picture books and 15 stories for kids’ magazines. Troy has no kids – except for his inner kid. He lives in Victoria, BC.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Troy or his books, visit him online: or follow him on social media:

Twitter: @TroyStoryToo

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of any of Troy’s books, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of GOLDIBOOKS AND THE WEE BEAR and LITTLE RED READING HOOD AND THE MISREAD WOLF?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 4th! US addresses only please.