Critter Lit

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Interview with Debut Author Andrea Hall

Authors, debut interviewLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! We are kicking off September with an editor/author interview. I met Andrea years back at the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus, Ohio. Since then she’s gone on to become the senior acquisitions editor at Beaming books and publish her debut picture book with Albert Whitman and Co. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to offer insight into her process and tell us about her new book, SHE’S ON THE MONEY, illustrated by Li Zhang.

So without further ado, please welcome Andrea Hall!

Where do you live?

I live in the Chicago area.

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I knew I wanted to be a writer from a young age. I participated in writing contests in school growing up, was part of Power of the Pen in middle school, and majored in creative writing in college. I wrote a few picture books in college, but I was more focused on writing novels. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I started writing picture books again.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

It’s been a journey! I joined SCBWI a few years out of college, and it was instrumental in learning more about writing, publishing, and the whole publication process. I attended writing conferences and made a lot of connections with industry professionals and other writers. I had the idea for this book and pitched it to the team at Albert Whitman. Now here we are!

Can you share a bit about your process?

I tend to start with a pad of paper and a pen. I find the blank Word document daunting, and the words seem to flow better for me when I handwrite them. Then as I type up a manuscript, I revise as I ago. With picture books, I try to think of the scene each spread will convey and break the story down that way. I love revising, so I’ll go back and forth on a project and let it sit before I come back and tweak some more. Then I’ll share with critique partners for their feedback before doing more revising! 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I feel like I always have new ideas! I keep a notebook of them, so I can go back and delve into whatever idea sparks something at that time. When I need to shake the rust off, I’ll sometimes switch projects to refocus, or I’ll delve into a good book and let another author’s words inspire me.

Anything you can’t live without while you write?


Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

So many! I’m a huge fan of Madeleine L’Engle, Maurice Sendak, and Anne McCaffrey.

Dream project to work on?

This is a hard question! Honestly, any project I am able to bring to readers is a dream come true.

Tell us about your debut book.

SHE’S ON THE MONEY is a survey picture book, part women’s bio and part history of money. Women have historically been overlooked throughout the ages. I was curious about the women who have been chosen to be immortalized on money, and what accomplishments led to these women being chosen. The research was fascinating, and I learned about a few women I had never heard of! And the incredible Li Zhang illustrated. Her artwork is amazing, and I feel so lucky to have her illustrations bringing these women to life.

What’s up next for you?

I’ve got a few other picture book manuscripts I’m working on, and I also have a couple novels in first draft stage that I want to get back into.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Tough question! I’m a fan of John Hughes movies, but another favorite is Dirty Dancing

Huge thank you to Andrea for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut and it’s wonderful to catch up with you!

ANDREA HALL is an author and children’s book editor. She holds a BA in English/creative writing from Miami University in Ohio. She’s a former book reviewer for the Ohioana Quarterly and a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. When not writing, Andrea can be found baking, crafting, and reading.

FOR MORE INFO about Andrea, visit her online: or follow her on social media: Twitter @andreadonall

BUY THIS BOOK To order a copy of Andrea’s new book, SHE’S ON THE MONEY, click here.

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