Critter Lit

Write. Draw. Read. Repeat.

Interview with Debut Illustrator Erica De Chavez

Authors + Illustrators, InterviewsLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! I’m so thrilled to be sharing today’s interview, because TODAY we have Erica De Chavez stopping by Critter Lit! She is super talented and one of the best book designers EVER— now I may be a little biased because she also happens to be my book designer. BUT she really is. I’m so grateful I’ve had the opportunity to work with someone as talented as Erica, and there is nothing better than completing a picture or board book and handing it off to a designer who you completely trust to make your work marry seamlessly with the text. I have also probably put her through the ringer lately with the type of books (hello nonfiction!) we’ve been working on together at HarperCollins so I’m so very grateful she had time to be with us today to talk about her debut illustrated book, her experience in the industry, and upcoming projects.

So without further ado, please welcome Erica De Chavez!

Erica De Chavez photo.jpg

Where do you live?

I am a former Brooklyn, NY transplant that now resides in sunny Clermont, FL.

When did you know you wanted to write/illustrate picture books?

It was at the end of my junior year in art college. I was already planning for my illustration senior thesis project which was completely un-related to children's books. Fortunately, I took an elective class in my spring semester, Illustrating Children's Books. That class and my professor, Tom Casmer, literally changed my art journey trajectory. I went from not knowing what I was going to do with my passion for art and how I was going to make money or find a job doing art to becoming hyper-focused on the children's publishing industry, the picture book writing and creation process and all things picture books from then on. Though I always had a healthy interest in children's art and media which I voraciously consumed through my love for all animated shows, films, anime, comics, and manga very early in my life. I'm also blessed to have parents and grandparents who read to me often when I was a child and encouraged my appetite for reading and libraries.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

I left FL after graduating with my BFA in Illustration and went to live with my brother in Queens, NY who is a graphic designer for men's fashion. I spent much of my early career doing freelance projects for small educational toy companies and picking up illustration commissions here and there. It was after my second attempt applying to HarperCollins Publishers for a design assistant position that I broke into the industry working under Martha Rago, who was already a well-known art director at the time. She taught me everything I needed to learn about children's book design and sharpened my design eye for meshing typography and children's book art. I met many children's book authors and illustrators as her assistant, many of them award-winning and others fledgling creators starting out their publication careers. I became a member of SCBWI, CBIG, and attempted to create many art critique groups until I finally met kindred spirits and formed The YEA Girls artist collective. My small, tight-knit artist community grew to include professors at NYC art colleges, other designers who also wanted to pursue illustration careers on the side and more prolific mentors and teachers who are active authors, illustrators, and editors themselves. It was through an SCBWI conference twitter thread that I met Annie Fox, the author of The Girls' Q&A Book on Friendship and co-founder of Electric Eggplant. A former artist I hired to illustrate a picture book returned the favor and hired me to illustrate for The Future Is Ours sticker book. And it was through my portfolio page that Kendra and Claire-Voe OCampo found my art and decided to reach out to me to illustrate Mighty May Won't Cry Today. 

You are now a Senior Designer for HarperCollins. Can you tell us about your experience working on both sides of the table in publishing?

It's been an education into the industry, the decision making process, the team collaborations, seeing and working daily with the tons of un-named people who read, edit, market, finance, manage, proof, and sell the books and countless more. It's literally like a curtain being pulled back. I realize how little most book creators know about how the decisions for some of the direction for their books come from. And that's honestly for the better, in my opinion. It helps save the creators' mental fatigue and emotional distress and allowing them to focus on what they do best, writing and illustrating. I find as a book designer, you're the glue to all the bookmaking departments, so that comes with a lot of personality managing, too. You work with and for a WIDE range of personalities inside a publishing house. It's also a day job that I depend on for my daily expenses; it's my livelihood. But it sometimes can feel like a drag, energy-wise. Many may not realize it, but designers are working on anywhere between 30-60 book titles all at the same time, managing books that are publishing on seasons sometimes three years out. It's a bit bonkers. No one told me the job required such heavy multitasking capabilities. Compartmentalizing can help, but it's hard to "turn off" at the end of a work day. I live and breath children's books now. It's literally my life. It can feel overwhelming and burn out is frequent. But it's fulfilling and satisfying work, especially when I flip through and read the books I helped create and guide. My knowledge and experience as a book designer better informs my own personal artwork and stories.

Can you share a bit about your process?

My artwork always starts with a sketch in a tiny sketch book. I love tiny sketchbooks that don't feel too precious or overly expensive. I draw from life and drot down bits of story ideas that come fast and fleeting. I often bounce ideas with my partner for characters and story beats that are half finished and are bookmarked for later days. When I focus in on an idea for a project I look up inspiration and reference photos and experiment with art materials. I try to create a series of images based on a theme or a piece of story I'm inspired by. Nothing is ever fully formed, it's more experimental. Then I sit down to write, which also starts very loose with a plot timeline and character biographies. The story and storyboarding thumbnails happen at the same time with pencil and paper, which is much faster for me than drawing on a tablet. I scan my drawings in along with some paint textures and redraw/edit final illustrations. Sometimes I transfer final drawings with a light pad to heavy watercolor paper and use a mix of watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, crayons, and graphite that I scan in to further edit digitally in Photoshop. I sometimes scan pen and ink hand lettering or line work from my sketchbook or loose drawing paper and incorporate those into my illustrations digitally as well. But my process always begin with pencil to paper. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I consume a lot of media and art in all forms. I read books, comics, manga, graphic novels, biographies, and motivational texts. I watch movies, mostly animated films and tv shows. I listen to podcasts occasionally until I get tired of it and sometime I enjoy the hum of silence. I go out and enjoy nature. I like to run long distance, hike, throw a frisbee around, and kayak. I also garden and observe nature. I listen to live music and I love traveling to different countries. All of the things I enjoy in life outside of art and design inadvertently inspire my art and design work! Life is very cyclical. So as long as I live fully, I'm never without a good idea.

Anything you can’t live without while you write/draw?

A cup of good milk tea, black or green. A good music playlist that lists my mood and makes me smile. And a good snack! I'm a creative muncher.

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

Oliver Jeffers inspired my art and career as soon as I dove back into picture books in college. Erin Entrada Kelly inspires me to write stories about kids that are like me, colored and Filipino-American and just like every other kid with a dream. Simona Ciraolo and Lorena Alvarez Gomez continue to inspire me to make beautiful children's books because their books so gorgeous and the stories all feel like emotional little jewels. Their books feel like precious objects sitting on my book shelves.

Dream project to work on?

I dream of working on my first author-illustrated children's book debut, be it picture book or graphic novel or maybe even an illustrated chapter book. I dream of working on many projects in a long and fruitful children's artist career. I'd love to work with publishers big or small on stories that move readers emotionally and positively. 

Tell us about your debut book.

Mighty May Won't Cry Today, is about an imaginative little girl named May who tries not to shed a tear on her first day of school. She navigates through unexpected challenges with clever positivity and mindful breathing techniques. With the help of her two moms May learns why it's OK to cry and that we all do sometimes. The story really hits home for me because I am a pretty emotional person (aren't all creatives?) and I was an emotionally sensitive kid. I cried through my short stint in daycare and cried through the first week of kindergarten during which my mother had to leave work daily and come eat lunch with me at the school cafeteria. I love that this story tells kids it is totally OK to cry. I wish I had been told that more often when I was young. 

Interior Art from Might May Won’t Cry Today by Kendra & Claire-Voe Ocampo, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

Interior Art from Might May Won’t Cry Today by Kendra & Claire-Voe Ocampo, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

Interior Art from Might May Won’t Cry Today by Kendra & Claire-Voe Ocampo, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

Interior Art from Might May Won’t Cry Today by Kendra & Claire-Voe Ocampo, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

Interior Art from Might May Won’t Cry Today by Kendra & Claire-Voe Ocampo, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

Interior Art from Might May Won’t Cry Today by Kendra & Claire-Voe Ocampo, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

What’s up next for you?

I'm finishing up an illustration series I started last year in the middle of the pandemic creating portraits of some of my friends and family members who are health care workers and Asian-American. I'm also focusing on a series of mini illustrations from a set of rejected sketches that didn't make it into the final The Future Is Ours sticker book, taking the opportunity to experiment with new color palettes and try to evolve my digital illustration style. And I'm also reworking a picture book dummy into a sequential paneled book format—very much a work in progress. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

My Neighbor Totoro. It epitomizes everything I love about children's stories and art made for children.

Huge thank you to Erica for stopping by Critter Lit today! We are so excited for your debut and can’t wait to see what you do next!

ERICA DE CHAVEZ is a Filipino-American children's book designer by day for HarperCollins Publishers and by night transforms into a freelance author-illustrator. She is the illustrator for the indie published middle grade advice book, The Girls' Q&A Book on Friendship by Annie Fox and contributed over 40 fun stickers to The Future Is Ours: Feminist Stickers to Express Yourself by Duopress Labs. Her latest publication is a picture book, Mighty May Won't Cry Today, by Kendra and Claire-Voe Ocampo, is a National Indie Excellence Award finalist.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Erica or her books, visit her online at or follow her on social media:

Instagram: @PandaErica

Twitter: @PandaErica


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