Critter Lit

Write. Draw. Read. Repeat.

Interview with Author Ana Siqueira

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview an author who is releasing her first book here in the states, BELLA’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS, illustrated by Geraldine Rodriguez, with Beaming Books, but began her writing career in Brazil, where her first books were published. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to share her road to publication, experiences, and upcoming books.

So without further ado, please welcome Ana Siqueira!

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Where do you live?

I live in Palm Harbor, Florida. 

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I always loved creating stories, but my teachers didn’t motivate me since they thought my stories were too confusing, too much going on. Hahaha. I still have that problem, but with the help of my critique partners, I have been able to learn how to streamline.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

I had two books published in Brazil, a loooong time ago. But when I moved to this country in 1992, I stopped writing for a looong time. I just restarted writing in 2019 when I wrote my Spanish Easy Reader - EL PATO QUIERE UVAS. I then got motivated to start writing picture books. I studied a lot, read many books, took courses, and watched zillions of webinars. I also got into many critique groups. 

So in September, I participated in a pitmad Twitter. I got a like from Naomi Krueger- Beaming Books. I sent her my story a few hours before my mami died. In November, I got an offer. In December, I got my agent Andrea Walker. And that’s how my debut book BELLA’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS was born. 

Can you share a bit about your process?

I used to be a pantser, but now I write my ideas and let them marinate in my head. Each time I have an idea for a scene or a sentence, I jot it down in a Google Doc. When I have enough information I outline my story. And only then I write it. It helped me cutting from 1000 revisions to about 30. Then it’s time to submit to my critique partners. I’m in five critique groups. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I love participating in Storystorm. But also, I get ideas by reading a lot and by watching my grandkids playing. Most of my ideas come from my memories. 

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

My Google Docs. I love being able to write, make a copy, write a new version, etc. Also, I can’t survive without my critique partners.

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

I love all books from Anika Denise and Monica Brown. Elisa Chavarri, the illustrator from my Abuela’s Capa book, is an illustrator that inspires me. Irena Freitas, the illustrator from my Bruja’s book, is also amazing. I also get inspired by the stories from my critique partners. 

Dream project to work on?

A TV show with one of my characters. That would be amazing. 

Tell us about your debut book.

I got this inspiration from my gifted and perfectionist daughter. It is about Bella and how she quits what she barely tries because she feels she is desastre. She asks her Abuela to help her with baking, but her polovorones are as hard as a rock. She is not good at anything, she thinks. But Bella will learn that making mistakes is part of the process and that practice makes it perfect or almost perfect. 

Interior art from BELLA’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS by Ana Siqueira, illustrated by Geraldine Rodriguez with Beaming Books

Interior art from BELLA’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS by Ana Siqueira, illustrated by Geraldine Rodriguez with Beaming Books

What’s up next for you?

I have other books coming in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Now, I’m learning to write Chapter books and Nonfiction. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

I love so many. But my child’s heart still loves E.T. I also love all Eddie Murphy’s movies such as Coming to America and Trading Places.

Huge thank you to Ana for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut in the states! We are so excited to share your work!

ANA SIQUEIRA is a Spanish-language elementary teacher, an award-winning Brazilian children’s author, and is published in the Foreign Language educational market – EL PATO QUIERE UVAS. Her forthcoming picture books include BELLA’S RECIPE FOR DISASTER/SUCCESS (Beaming Books, 2021) and IF YOUR BABYSITTER IS A BRUJA/CUANDO TU NIÑERA ES UNA BRUJA (SimonKids,2022), ABUELA’S SUPER CAPA/ LA SUPER CAPA DE ABUELA (HarperCollins, 2023) and one more book to be announced. Besides writing, Ana loves to read, teach, and play with her Cuban-Brazilian-American grandchildren. T

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Ana visit her online or follow her on Twitter: @SraSiqueira1307

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of BELLA’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS click here.

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