Critter Lit

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Interview with Author Cindy Williams Schrauben

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Cindy Williams Schrauben! Her debut picture book, THIS COULD BE YOU, illustrated by Julia Seal, publishes this month by Cardinal Rule Press. I’m thrilled to have Cindy with us today to chat about her new book, road to publication, and process.

So without further ado, please welcome Cindy Williams Schrauben!

Where do you live?  

I have always lived in Michigan – I love it from May through October, but the rest of the year, I question my sanity. Winter is not my friend.

 When did you know you wanted to write picture books? 

I have ‘wanted’ to write books for kids since college, but I didn’t take serious steps to make it happen until about 8 years ago. 

 Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

The journey involved a great deal of patience and perseverance – not my biggest strengths. When I became an empty nester, I decided it was time to strive for my own dreams and seriously work toward publication. I attended conferences, took online classes, and lots of workshops. I read, listened to podcasts and above all else, connected with other authors. I can honestly say that without the kidlit community and their generosity I would not have stuck with it. Like many of us, I started submitting my work way too early (before it was ready), continued to hone my stories, and swallow the rejections. I submitted This Could Be You to Cardinal Rule Press in 2021 and secured my second agent shortly after.

 Can you share a bit about your process?

My writing process is a bit chaotic – completely driven by the passion to write. I tend to get excited about an idea and run with it. I have way too many ideas and the next shiny thing that pops into my head often takes precedence. I will say, though, that I think this is why writing is so therapeutic for me; when I’m writing, the rest of the world disappears – that can be a good thing and a bad thing. As far as specifics go, I write on a laptop, in my quiet office surrounded by books (and way too much clutter). 

 What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Ideas are never a problem for me – I have lists coming out my ears. Sticking with a manuscript when I get stuck is the hard part. My biggest struggle is plotting. I want to just write without planning and that often gets me in trouble. When I am really struggling I read other picture books, do critiques for others, read blogs and listen to podcasts to get inspired. But, more often than not, I drop a manuscript for a while and move on to another story until inspiration strikes and I can revisit it.

 Anything you can’t live without while you write?

Coffee and quiet.

 Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

Oooh, so many. I have so many friends who are published authors and are my true inspirations. I would never have achieved this dream without them, but I wouldn’t dare list them for fear of forgetting someone. This community is amazing and I can’t wait to start giving back. Historically, I have always loved Jack Prelutsky. His humor and rhyme delight me. Maybe that’s why my favorite stories to write are funny, punny, and rhyming. 

 Dream project to work on?

I would love to write a PB biography of an inspiring kid – I’m hunting for ideas. 

 Tell us about your debut book.

My debut picture book, This Could Be You, illustrated by Julia Seal will be released on April 1, 2022. Words for believing in yourself are the stars of this picture book that empowers children of all abilities and backgrounds to not only believe in themselves but to be strong and resilient in the pursuit of their dreams. A teacher, a scientist or an activist - could this be you? Through lyrical rhymes and vibrant illustrations, This Could Be You says yes, it very well could be. 

Interior Art from THIS COULD BE YOU by Cindy Williams Schrauben, Illustrated by Julia Seal, published by Cardinal Rule Press

 This Could Be You will sit comfortably on your shelf alongside other empowering books such as I Promise (by LeBron James) and I Can Do Hard Things (by Gabi Garcia). The full-color jacket is a reversible, 22 x 36 poster perfect for inspiring kids in the classroom and home with positive messages!

A free Reader’s Guide which contains interactive lesson plans that encourage children to adopt a growth mindset over a fixed one is available for free download from the publisher website.

 What’s up next for you?

I have always wanted to illustrate my own picture book. Even if it never happens, I am enjoying the journey. I am also in the process of developing a program I call Partners in Literacy in which local businesses can sponsor school visits by purchasing a book for each child. I’m really excited to kick this off after my release.

 And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Footloose – music, dance, and a rebel!

Huge thank you to Cindy for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

Cindy Williams Schrauben lives in Michigan where she writes books for kids that range from the truly serious to the seriously silly. Before embarking on this path, she held positions as a preschool administrator, teacher, and assistant director of a children’s museum -- always striving to empower kids. When not writing, Cindy might be found dissecting her grandsons’ shenanigans for story ideas, reading on the floor in the bookstore, or eating ice cream… ideally all at once. 

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Cindy or her work, visit her online.

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of THIS COULD BE YOU, click here.

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